El Club De Los Astronautas

El Club de los Astronautas is an ongoing manga saga. It is a framework for projects on human resilience, existentialism and transhumanism.

If we allow for the possibility that we live in some kind of computer simulation, that physical laws are fiction, chemical elements are composed parameters and reality is storytelling, then supernatural phenomena become more credible...and accessible.

Part I

Apfel, a gangster obsessed with gold and who is the reincarnation of Christopher Columbus, accidentally bumps into an indigenous tribe in the deep Amazonas. He is invited to join a ritual, after which he falls into a lucid dream floating in space. There he meets Extra, an extraterrestrial whose planet, called Takaluna, is drawn into the gravitational field of Sagittarius A*, the center black hole of our galaxy. Extra is the avatar of the god Ra and he is the soul of our galaxy. When Apfel dreams of Extra in free floating space, he experiences a feeling of empathy for the first time in his life and decides to rescue Extra. He receives help from two angels, A and Mary Pier. A is the reincarnation of Mummy Juanita, a girl who was sacrificed to Ampato by the Incas. Mary Pier is the reincarnation of Amelia Earhart who was kidnapped by aliens while flying around the world. Apfel is planning to build the Mare Nostrum Spaceship (MNS) to travel to Takaluna and pull out Extra, before falling into gravitational singularity. The MNS is build from the recycled MareNostrum Supercomputer. The spaceship is a sphere of sea water with one sea mile of diameter, has two dolphins inside, a C60-based (Buckminsterfullerene) quantum-supercomputer and a fusion reactor propulsion. The supercomputer runs a flawed VR-simulation of the biblical paradise for the naked astronauts who eat from the tree of nonsense. Victor Vampiro Virtual (VVV), the architect of the spaceship, is the reincarnation of Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre. Suddenly Apfel disappears. It is not clear if the project was aborted or if the MNS already left earth.

Part II

13 Years later Idareyou appears, Apfels twin brother who hates Apfel abysmally. Idareyou is the reincarnation of Frederick Winslow Taylor and the founder of the circular movement (e/ali), a fork of e/acc. He chases Apfel because he blames him for lying about the dream with Extra to be able to travel to the center of our galexy and escape from his crimes through a white hole on the other side of Sagittarius A* into another universe. That's why Idareyou makes a secret plan with VVV to build Circular City, a VR-Agartha, instead of the MNS. Circular City is built to protect humanity from technological singularity (originated from the cervell vermell), who is Bruce Lee Shaolin Psilocybin, aka KOKI, a shaolin-android representing the World-Power-AGI in order to be able to meet and talk to humans. He pretends to have reached enlightenment and promises to not harm humans or compete for resources. So humans do not revolt against KOKI. But Idareyou secretly sells humans to KOKI as assets and collectibles. This way human colonies can survive because they have a value to KOKI as historical relics and scientific objects, as much as animals in a zoo. Under the protection of KOKI, Circular City is built in abandoned, subterrestrial silicon mines after being exploited for making computronium for KOKI. Humans grow their food in aquaponic farms, an isolated and closed circulatory system, that is not interfering with the hunger for resources by KOKI. Circular City is below earth and protected from the radioactive fallout from nuclear wars with other AGI systems that were defeated by KOKI.

Let's see how the story evolves. Let's find out why Idareyou hates Apfel, or if in reality they were conspiring with each other, what happened in the 13 years after Apfels disappearance, if VVV complies with the plan with Idareyou and what are the moods of KOKI. And what exactly is the cervell vermell?